Coalition Letter In Support of Fully Funding the Technology Modernization Fund
Dear Chairmen Van Hollen and Quigley, and Ranking Members Hyde-Smith and Womack:
On behalf of the member companies of the undersigned organizations, we write in strong support of continued investments to modernize and upgrade the federal government’s legacy information technology (IT) and respectfully request that you fully fund the President’s Budget Request of $500 million for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how legacy IT systems hinder the ability of governments to quickly and efficiently get dollars, programs, and services to Americans in need. As we stated in the enclosed letter to Congressional leadership regarding the funding for TMF proposed in the American Rescue Plan: “Federal agencies still rely on many outdated and legacy IT systems and paper-based processes that have hampered the effectiveness of government operations and mission delivery. Updating these systems is not only critical to improving access to services but also to ensuring those who are most in need of government assistance receive the emergency funding Congress has appropriated.”
We greatly appreciate that Congress has recognized the need for robust funding for the TMF and applaud the inclusion of the unprecedented $1 billion for it in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2). This funding represents a positive down payment but the need to maximize this money’s long-term impact by building upon it with sustained investments into the future remains significant. Increasing the pace of replacing legacy systems must improve efficiencies, substantially enhance cyber security investment, and ensure the government can deliver better services to the American people long after the pandemic.
Accordingly, we urge you to continue to prioritize IT modernization by fully funding the President’s Budget Request of $500 million for the TMF in your FY 2022 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bills and continue to provide the flexibility needed to quickly address issues as they are identified.
Thank you for your time and attention to this issue and we look forward to continuing to work with your Committee on this important priority.
Yours respectfully,
Alliance for Digital Innovation
BSA I The Software Alliance
Center for Procurement Advocacy
U.S. Chamber Technology Engagement Center
Computing Technology Industry Association
Information Technology Industry Council
Intelligence & National Security Alliance
Internet Association
National Defense Industrial Association
Professional Services Council
Security Industry Association
Software & Information Industry Association
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